How to write a 12 essay
Important Topics To Discuss
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Occupational Health and Safety Management (Part II only - Explaining Assignment
Word related Health and Safety Management (Part II just - Explaining the mishap) - Assignment Example The cleaner was working hastily because of the overwhelming outstanding task at hand and weight that some water would sprinkle on the floor. The server, while going close Wong, slipped when she stepped on the elusive floor. The developments of the server grabbed the eye of Wong who unexpectedly looked at her. Such abrupt look caused Wong to harm his fingers. The server is recently recruited (detailed for take a shot at December 22nd) and was wearing obeyed shoes when she slipped on the 24th of December. Just as of late, a similar server slipped in the kitchen and as she snatched the working work area, a blade fell on the floor. The blade had been blunted, which is a similar blade utilized by Wong. The kitchen has ventilation and adequate lighting. The culinary expert, partner gourmet specialist and the cleaner wore covers and non-dangerous shoes. The kitchen doesn't have dangerous floor signage. Kitchen hardware and instruments that become rusted or unusable ought to be appropriately arranged through a Disposal Form. From December 15 to 24, the bistro faculty were required to labor for 11 hours per day. Thusly, at the hour of the event of the mishap, all the staff were at that point exhausted and worried because of outrageous work request. The level of injury can be considered as a minor physical issue since the specialist prompted Wong to take three days leave from work. Components that Led to the Accident: Investigated and Not Identified by Manager A path of events had prompted the occurrence of the mishap. All the bistro faculty were exhausted and worried because of exhaust and weight. The server was not wearing non-elusive shoes in the kitchen. The cleaner was recklessly washing the dishes that causes water sprinkles on the floor. She may likewise be carelessly strolling over the floor without paying heed to her environmental factors. With respect to Wong, he normally responded to perceive what was going on or whether the server would fall toward him. While the server was imprudently strolling over the floor, the cleaner was heedlessly and carelessly washing dishes; accordingly water that spilled on the floor made it tricky. The kitchen, albeit well lit and ventilated, isn't developed appropriately. The sink where the dishes are washed ought not be put close to the entryway however some place in the inward piece of the kitchen, or the corner inverse the kitchen entryway. The current area of the sink truly welcomes mishaps and would be a deterrent to the development of work force in the kitchen. The principle access to the kitchen ought to be liberated from any deterrent, either to one side or to one side in the wake of entering the kitchen. In spite of the fact that not referenced in the occurrence report, the sink might be situated on the left or the correct side of the entryway. The entryway must have the option to swing unreservedly advance or in reverse. No signage was posted at obvious spots inside the kitchen, for example, †Å"Slippery Floor†, â€Å"Unauthorized Persons not Allowed†, â€Å"Always Wear Proper Kitchen Attire†, and a few others. There is likewise deficiency in the strategy inside the kitchen. The server ought not be permitted to move toward the working territory of the gourmet expert and right hand culinary specialist to get the food. The food fit to be served must be set by the associate gourmet expert at a spot close to the passage of the entryway, yet far enough so as not to cause a deterrent. As such, the server would not be disturbing the consideration of the associate gourmet specialist
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Music Traditions Around the World Chapter Essay Example For Students
Music Traditions Around the World Chapter Essay Live melodic exhibitions, in a few angles, are frequently connected with substantial celebrating, drinking, and wantonness. Proficient harpists are no special case to the weight of giving in to this sort of way of life. Wear Cesar Unquenched clarifies in his meeting that his dad was exposed to a lot of strain to take part in overwhelming drinking that could last as long as a few days. Proficient harpists were basic to an assortment of festivities and services in Tundras and the encompassing districts. Consequently, harpists were in very popularity and ventured to every part of the nation for occasions regularly. Harpists not just experienced the weariness of playing for a few days at these festivals, but on the other hand were profoundly empowered by the orderlies of these occasions to take part in drinking. The enticement was frequently hard to overlook for these harpists, as they were exposed to observe the gathering goers taking part in what appeared ceaseless drinking. Wear Cesar Meniscuss father was of the not many expert harpists to effectively fight the temptation to submit to such overwhelming weight all through his whole profession. He perceived what number of harpists endured the unforgiving outcomes of burning through the entirety of their income on liquor and leaving their families poor at long last. Unquenched Sir. Pledged to himself that he would not cause such hardship for his family, and endeavored to get property for his family to acquire. For a lot of Don Careers life, the enduring an expert harpist experienced shielded him from turning out to be one himself. From perusing Don Careers individual records, it appears as if Cesar accepted he was not sufficient to ear the enticement and depletion that went with harp playing. Be that as it may, Don Cesar in the long run surrendered his first vocation as a cap producer so as to turn into an expert harpist since he was unable to disregard the Joy it forced himself to see others love his music. Cesar incredibly respected his dads difficult work and discovered harmony in having the option to live on his dads significance through turning into an expert harpist himself. 2. Salvador Allendale reaction to the Nava Action style of music incredibly differentiated that of the legislature that both lead up to and followed his administration in Chile. Allendale vision for Chile extraordinarily reflected the messages that were passed on through Nava Action tunes. During his battle in 1970, Allendale and speakers of his Popular Unity Party fused the utilization of a Nava Action troupe between talks. This style of music permitted the individuals, explicitly laborers, workers and understudies, to take a stand in opposition to their mistreatment and uncover the social shameful acts welcomed on by degenerate governmental issues. Allendale perceived Nava Scansions capacity to join the individuals of Chile who were under severe assaults of the administration, and in a way eave the individuals substantial trust in Chilean change. Quickly following the military Music Traditions Around the World Chapter Essay By Kelsey 2 the nearness of Nava Action in any structure, including detainment of Nava Action performers. The legislature saw how enormously this style of music affected the assessments of the Chilean individuals and considered it to be a danger for looking after control. Be that as it may, Nava Action didn't bite the dust with Allendale demise in 1973. Performers and the individuals of Chile kept on attempting to spread the music so as to battle against debasement. 3. Rehash of Question 1) 4. Andean Ensembles are essential to the indigenous individuals of the Andes Mountains since this music is in articulation of the social qualities held inside that area. This music style includes all parts of Andean culture that is profoundly esteemed by the locals of the Andes, and takes into account the way of life to keep up its wealth for more youthful ages. Truth be told, the explanation Andean Ensemble has support ed itself for such a long time is on the grounds that it requests to the youthful adolescents roused to make music. Andean .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 , .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 .postImageUrl , .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 , .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564:hover , .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564:visited , .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564:active { border:0!important; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564:active , .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564:hover { haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uba941ecd0f6ffb4fb38617616bce5564:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Music Report Essay SummaryEnsembles offer to outcasts of the area in light of how well the music style traversed mainland outskirts. Since numerous locals of the Andes ventured out to various areas of the world to exchange an assortment of material products, including woven ponchos and cover, the music went with them. These Andean voyagers created associations with individuals of an assortment of societies and imparted their adoration for Andean Ensembles to them. Andean music styles pulled in such huge numbers of individuals on a worldwide scale in view of its one of a kind sounds and explicit regard for all subt leties encompassing the music.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Strategic Management of the BMW
Plot: â€Å"Twelve Angry Men†is an intriguing and energizing jury-room showdown in which a "open and shut case" gets demanding as twelve outsiders fight for answers. The preliminary includes a nineteen-year-old kid, who is suspect of murdering his dad in a late-night fight with a phenomenal blade. His destiny currently lies in the hands of 12 legal hearers, each with his own assurance to explain the case and uncover reality. As the meeting follows through to its logical end, proof becomes investigated, tempers rise, and the jury room ejects in a yelling fight since one such legal hearer finds sensible questions in the two declarations that were esteemed believable enough to convict. In his battle for an absolution, the singled out member of the jury found that the tribute proof was inconsistent, however the auspicious style wherein both the man and the lady claimed to have seen and heard the respondent were by a wide margin deficient. Upon response to his vo te, the questionable members of the jury promptly started scrutinizing the man, not seeing how he might feel that way. All things considered, the resolute hearer held his ground and the votes were: 11 blameworthy, and 1 not liable, yet the choice must be consistent. Character: First there were those that couldn't think less about the result, at that point there was Davis, the relentless hearer who held a firm grasp onto the chance of sensible uncertainty for the situation. He showed his own quality of brain and took a stab at killing any individual biases for the best po...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay on Women Changing the View of the Military - 821 Words
The military has mostly been dominated by men; the women have also had history of military success. For example, during the second world war, the women were mostly serving as nurses (Manila Bulletin). Women have come far from being nurses during world war II to being able to hold any positions. Some women can be in almost any position. Now women are found on the fronts lines. Also, during World War II, women who were nurses at Pearl Harbor came into a combat situation in which they were to engage and kill the enemy (Manilla Bulletin). An increase of women in the military has impacted the military by having different job roles, expanding military positions, and increasing more sexual assaults. The first reason women†¦show more content†¦Also, women served in non-traditional jobs such as: paratroopers riggers, aircraft mechanics, and intelligence (New York Times). At home, women were considered second class citizens and property of their husbands. Recently, women’s role s have expanded and they now can be deployed and be on the front lines (Global Issues). Women were also recruited in case of emergencies. Men argued that women were not physically strong as men. In addition, women also affected the military globally. For example, in the Netherlands, women have a huge role in their Royal Armed Forces. Also, in Israel when women turn 18, they are able to join the military (Global Issues). In 2011, the Pentagon and the military recommendation to end combat expulsion for women going onto the front lines (New York Times). Secondly, women affect the military by having different types of job role, women have been trying to get a good position for many years from wanting to be tank operators to trying to get into combat. For example, during World War II women were mainly nurses but now they work at almost any combat position. Also, the military made branches for all women during World War II. (New York Times). Women could not be in combat positions during t he early wars. For example during the World War I and the World War II women were not allowed on the front lines. However they can get special permission from the high rank officers. Women were mostly nurses in the world war II but some were spies,Show MoreRelatedMilitary Fitness Tests : One Standard For All1023 Words  | 5 PagesMilitary Fitness Tests: One Standard for All Maintaining a high level of physical fitness is just one of the many facets of military life. It may be the most important aspect to combat survival. This is a reality that the men and women of our Armed Forces live and deal with almost daily. Physical fitness is emphasized through biannual fitness testing conducted in all branches of the military. 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Mackenzie952 Words  | 4 Pagesand Let Women Fight by Megan H. Mackenzie, talk about women and girls in today’s world. Both essays focus on the depiction of females, but at different points in their life. The Barbie Birthday talks about the author as a little girl and her excitement of receiving a Barbie from her future stepmother. The story is vague, which help account for the several prompts questioning the piece. The other essay, Let Women Fight, speaks of the restrictions placed on women serving in the U.S. Military. The pieceRead MoreApartheid: Theory and Practice During the Apartheid era the international media that highlighted1300 Words  | 6 Pagesof security changes over time, depending on era and context. As far back as the 1930s, American national security thinking circled very much around economic security , changing to a prevailing apprehension with military security during the Cold War era. Towards the late 1960s, the idea of security as being something more than military security was put forward by Robert McNamara, the president of the World Bank. During the 1970s and 1980s, the conceptualization of security gradually widened, both inRead MoreWithout A Doubt, Gender Is One Of The Most Important Factors1419 Words  | 6 Pagessocieties across the world, differences and inequalities exist between men and women in the responsibilities assigned, activities undertaken, decision-making, and access to and control over resources (Lindsey, 2015). Similarly, gender influences differences between men and women with regard to good health, adequate housing, and economic security, all which are fundamentals of living with dignity. Compared with men, women are more likely to have had a lifetime of disadvantages. Too often, they have
Friday, May 15, 2020
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Shopping - 1018 Words
The online shopping trend is becoming increasingly popular. People nowadays can get everything they need online, such as clothes, books, groceries, etc. Online shopping is a new type of technology trend that people are getting addicted to because it makes people’s life easier and saves them time. Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of their own home and shop while they are sitting in front of their computer. Many online shoppers do not have to waste time on shopping anymore. Online shopping has experienced rapid growth during the recent years due to the unique advantages it offers for consumers. While it is still nice to stop by a store to touch and see the products, the convenience of online shopping cannot be beat. And for†¦show more content†¦Online shopping, on the other hand, is far from perfect. I believe the number one disadvantage of online shopping are the worries that come from sharing personal information. Providing credit card information, full names, a home address, phone number, and sometimes birth dates online can potentially allow others to gain access to people’s most private details. Other disadvantages, for instance, are if an individual buys an item of clothing online he/she does not have the ability to feel the material, try it on, and see how it is made. Unless you know your measurements and are familiar with the brand of clothing offered, purchasing something online could end up being a bad experience. Also, an onli ne shopper cannot talk to someone immediately. If he/she has a question about a product, they probably will have to wait at least 24 hours to get a question answered. However, it is becoming more common that many sites have an instant chat option that takes care of this issue. Once an order is placed, the waiting game starts. You have to wait for a few days for the item to arrive which can be quite frustrating. Some people are most excited about what they bought in the first few days. By the time their item arrives, they will most likely be less excited then if they were to buy the item instore and receive it directly after paying for it. There are some other minor disadvantages, one of which is the shipping. Only aShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Shopping Online1600 Words  | 7 PagesAdvantages [edit] Convenience Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have Internet access both at work and at home. Other establishments such as internet cafes and schools provide access as well. A visit to a conventional retail store requires travel and must take place during business hours. 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It has been able to the users of the internet to choose whateverRead MoreAdvantages of Online Shopping675 Words  | 3 PagesOnline shopping, the Mecca for deal findings and savings on anything and everything a consumer could want, offers both advantages and disadvantages. All shopping has some of both, so here are the facts so you can judge whether online shopping is for you. Advantages: Save money. The biggest advantage to online shopping is the amount of money you can save with a little time and patience. Just like in-store shopping, online shopping requires that you shop around and visit more than one siteRead MoreOnline Buying and Selling1001 Words  | 5 Pagesinterested in purchasing. Although there are many benefits to using sites like those or even to be able to look into local sales online, but there are also some down sides to this type of buying and selling on the internet. In this paper, we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of buying and selling online. There are many advantages to shopping online, whether it is through a used website like Craig’s List, a bidding website like EBay, or a retailer’s website like JCPenny. CustomersRead MoreThe Internet : The Challenges Of The Internet797 Words  | 4 Pages There are many advantages some may include online fundraising and online job hunting but there are the disadvantages as well, such as viruses and online shopping. Despite the fact that most of this generation go to the internet for answers, the internet isnt the most convenient source to go to for solutions. Fundraising sites are a smart idea of the internet because it benefits people in need. In the article, â€Å"The Benefits Of Online Fundraising,†Joe Baker said â€Å"Online fundraising is gainingRead MoreTraditional Shopping vs Online Shopping1557 Words  | 7 Pages1. Traditional and online shopping environment In the traditional shopping, one has to leave home, either walk or take a ride to a particular location in order to buy what one wants. There are many ways of traditional shopping such like shopping at shopping center, outlet village, markets or department stores. However, online shopping has been developing at a fast rate through recent years and more and more people are moving towards this mode of shopping. The online shopping is typically done atRead MoreThe E Commerce And Online Auctions Essay962 Words  | 4 PagesMarket Analysis The E-Commerce and Online Auctions industry has exploded over the past decade. Lured by the ease of ordering at home and ability to quickly compare prices and product reviews among retailers, many consumers are increasingly choosing to shop online over purchasing products at brick-and-mortar locations or via mail-order catalogs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on We Still Need Affirmative Action - 512 Words
During the 1950’s and 1960’s there were major changes in civil rights taking place within the United States. In 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, which sought to create equal opportunity for minority groups in the nation and eliminate discrimination. Shortly thereafter, â€Å"the goal of the civil rights movement shifted from the traditional aim of equality of opportunity through nondiscrimination alone to affirmative action to establish ‘goals and timetables’ to achieve absolute equality between blacks and whites†(Dye 253). These goals and timetables were cemented with Executive Order No. 11246, issued by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. This order is commonly referred to as the foundation for modern-day†¦show more content†¦Two centuries of severe racial oppression cannot be remedied by four decades of governmental policy. Public opinion also seems to support the effectiveness of affirmative action policies. In a 1999 p oll conducted by Newsweek, â€Å"both African Americans and whites say [that] affirmative action has improved conditions for blacks†(Race: Bills and Proposals). The effectiveness of affirmative action is also evident in employment demographics, as â€Å"there have been significant gains over the past 20 years in minority employment, even in traditionally segregated trades such as sheet metal and electrical work†(Race: Discussion Guides). Affirmative action programs have also played a major role in education, providing new opportunities that were once denied to minorities. Perhaps the most common argument against affirmative action comes from individuals who state that they had nothing to do with the oppression and hardships that were inflicted on minorities (particularly African Americans) in the past. However, these hardships were continued for years under our government’s rule, with very little action being taken. It is the responsibility of our governme nt to correct the injustices of the past and provide greater opportunities to future generations of the sufferers. It is also the responsibility of the majority to recognize the past and support the efforts of present and future programs, which may rid the nation ofShow MoreRelatedAn Ethical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It?1706 Words  | 7 PagesDilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It? An Ethical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It? Abstract This paper discusses the importance of affirmative action in today’s society and the ethical role it plays when Employers and Universities are considering entry to their respected places of establishment. The paper will conclude with what America will face in the future in terms of affirmative action. An Ethical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It? Read MoreEssay on Affirmative Action and Racial Equality 1467 Words  | 6 Pages Affirmative Action and Racial Equality (1) Issue Identification Many individuals do not know the meaning of the term â€Å"affirmative action.†In order to clearly understand the issue, one must first know the necessary terms associated with it. Affirmative action is a term given to an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination (i.e. African Americans, Asians, etc.). For example, certain scholarships for African Americans can be regarded as affirmative action opportunitiesRead Moreaffirmative action1695 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Abstract What is affirmative action? Affirmative action is an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, esp. in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination. In the 1940s: President Roosevelt signed an order making discrimination illegal in defense contracting. 1954: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that separate but equal facilities on the basis of race were unconstitutionally discriminatory. The Act of 1964: CongressRead MoreAffirmative Action During The Civil Rights Movement1237 Words  | 5 Pageshappened until the government implemented affirmative action. Affirmative action allowed minorities more opportunities into schools and allowed more opportunities for jobs. It also allowed society to become more diverse with ethnicities and cultures. Affirmative action diluted the racism in the country and eventually helped everyone work collaboratively. Now that affirmative action has done its job, I feel that it is no l onger needed. Affirmative action was made to level the playing field betweenRead MoreAffirmative Action For African Americans1478 Words  | 6 PagesOliveira 1 Lucas Oliveira Ms. Alonso English 8 Honors 7 March 2015 Affirmative Action Have you ever wondered why all companies have employees of all races? Affirmative Action sought to give African Americans workers and minorities equal access to education and employment which was previously denied to them. It makes companies and schools give equal access to minorities. Affirmative Action is a topic that has been in government officials minds for a long time. Between 1870-1900, many African AmericansRead MoreAffirmative Action Policies Should Be Implemented891 Words  | 4 PagesAffirmative Action Policies Should be Implemented Affirmative action policies should be implemented to improve to help propel the company forward. Affirmative action can be a useful tool to help create diversity in the workplace. Implementing affirmative action policies will encourage growth in the company because we will be able to effectively select and hire people, not on the basis of race but on actual qualifications that make a person suitable for a position in the company. Affirmative actionRead MoreWhy We Still Need Affirmitive Action1493 Words  | 6 PagesWhy we still need affirmative action Because of the complex nature of the discussion on affirmative action and the controversies and the emotion surrounding it, it is imperative to first recap on the causes of race and inequality in the United States of America. The policies on affirmative action were proposed as a fractional remedy for the socio-economic impacts of past and present disadvantage faced by certain groups in the population, especially with regard to biases on gender and race. Such disadvantagesRead MoreAffirmative Action Should Not Be Legal1188 Words  | 5 PagesAffirmative action is stated as, â€Å"the encouragement of increased representation of women and minority-group members, especially in employment†(, 2015). Within our time and during most of the civil rights movement minority groups have always found it harder to secure more efficient and higher paying jobs due to racism, stereotypical people, and their behavior. With this being the cause to affirmative action congress ha d to put a law into effect to ensure that this would not continueRead MoreModule 6 - Original Assignment839 Words  | 4 Pagesculture, evaluate the contemporary strategy of affirmative action for minorities to bring about more fairness in hiring and promotion practices. Draw heavily from the assigned readings and then explain and defend your arguments concerning affirmative action and reverse discrimination. The fact that we are still talking about job discrimination, in the 21 century is really a sad thing. We have made amazing strides in all fields of science and medicine, we have the capability of having AI (artificialRead MoreAffirmative Action : What s The Right Thing?1320 Words  | 6 Pages2016 Final Paper – Arguing Against Affirmative Action Affirmative action is a rather complicated subject that is packed with nuance. It can be difficult to fully assess whether affirmative action is a good thing when discussing it in terms of what is just and what is unjust. Professor Michael J. Sandel argues in favor of affirmative action. However, the arguments he uses when presenting his case are not particularly strong. In the â€Å"Arguing Affirmative Action†section of his book, Justice: What’s
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Introduction to Qualitative Market Research
Question: Discuss about the Introduction to Qualitative Market Research. Answer: Introduction The world fossil fuel is finite. So it is very important to find out an alternative energy that can be used to power homes and business globally. To fulfil the high demand of energy solar is the only solution. So solar system in our daily accessories is also important today. Solar power is also useful in those areas where electricity is not available. When fossil fuels release harmful greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere which cause serious environmental problems, but the solar system had no such effect as well as it is eco-friendly. For electricity, we have to pay a daily cost for production but solar system is a one-time investment policy. Thinking all this legion solar system is the better way for the energy independence. This solar solution is very faster than the traditional system and it is more efficient than another traditional system. The electronic market is comprised of the profit that generated through the selling of this product. In electronic industry, there is an increasing demand for electronic devices that are easily compatible with daily life. Consumers want a wide variety of new products with more capabilities and greater services. As solar system is the fastest growing market technology today and going to play the main role in Australian electricity production. The growth of the solar system depends on the need and popularity of customers. As Australia is already practiced with the solar system and it is among the top ten solar countries and by March 2015 Australia had installedphotovoltaic(PV)solar power of 4100 megawatts. So to launch a new solar system is difficult until it provides something new that helps the customer for more service. Customers always want effective and more compatible product than traditional, so a new product must have to maintain the product quality as the competition is very high. Here Legion solar system is more efficient than any other solar system because it provides extra output than any other solar system. But the product popularity and growth depends on customer need and how they take the new product. The customer always wants something new and innovative,this solar system is highly innovative and can fulfill the customers need. A company background effects the selling of the new product. And before buying newly launched product customer depends on the company background and the advertisement of the product. In the advertisement, the company must give all the details specification and company should focus more on special features that will attract the customer. SWOT analysis SWOT analysis means to explain the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of a company that will help the company to take the step for the growth of the company in future. The company will also find what major difficulties that they have to face (Barrows and Blackall, 2007). With the increasing population and climate change, a major question arises, that how long the fossil energy serve us in future as the fossil energy is finite. So we have to think about the other source of energy. Sun is only reliable to fulfil the increasing demand of energy with the change of our lifestyles. The new product of PLX devices the Legion solar service is a better way for the energy independence (Birn and Forsyth, 2002). It is efficient than the other traditional solar system which will key points for the marketing. It is easily comfortable for the electrical devices like mobile, computer, etc, so it will have a high demand in the digital market. Why will people choose such like product in Australia which is listed in top ten solar countries? People always demand something more. PLX provides such like solar technologies that will easily solve the problem of electricity and energy resources. PLX introduced lithium battery that can produce more output than that of a silicon acid battery. The previous solar system can only produce 50% output than input. But PLX technology provides 250 % feedback energy as output. So the main strength of PLX solar system is the output system and the quality (Chadwick, 2014). Australia is already among the world top most solar countries , so the new solar system is not so essential for the customer as most of them already installed PV system and the installation charge is not so less. For that customers will not go for a new solar device easily. Todays digital device like a mobile phone has an inbuilt powerful battery so need of an extra charging devices is not so essential. Also in the case of solar system users have to depend on the climate (Emling, 2009). In rainy season and in the night sun is not available so solar system is useless at that time. There is also a possibility of damaging of solar panel that effect customers to buy a solar system which is not less costly. The innovative idea of Legion solar devices with more effectiveness will easily attract the customer to buy this. The price of the product is not so high so a normal buyer can buy it. Today the solar system is a most demanding idea as the natural resources like fossils energy are going to the end so solar devices are the only best option. One more important thing is that it has no harmful effect on the environment that will help on its promotion. The PLX devices have already a good place in the digital market, which can capture the market easily. There is large no of the company are doing their business in Australian trade market so competition is very high (Fillis and Rentschler, 2006). Customers have the negative view of solar system for the rainy season when the sun is not available to recharge the solar device. So they must think of an optional energy supply, but for all family and business company, it is not possible to go for dual energy system. This is a big thread for the company. It is not the only product of this type as Australia is already have practiced with so it is a matter of thing that how many customers will go for it. Nature and scope of marketing: Marketing involved all the business activities involved in getting goods and services. Marketing is the way in which a product hands off to the producer or seller to the hand of the buyer. In this process ownership of a product istransferred from the seller to the buyer. Before marketing a product a company should have some essential functions (Foster, 2009). At first, they have to understand the changing need and want of the customer's. Also, they have effectively managed the services and the demands of the products and they have to promote the payment and the distribution process. Marketing of a good product also depends on upon the consumer's satisfaction. So the product quality should be maintained. So the company should sincerely analysis the buyer behavior before market segmentation and targeting. Marketers have to make pricing policy thinking about their product quality and market competition. The major objectives of the marketing are the customer's satisfaction and the servic e offered to the product (Grner, 2016). Because the profit depends on this criteria. One more thing that the company has to take carethat is the promotion including selling and advertising to reach their goals. There should also be a feedback process for the reviews of the users and buyers. So they can give their personal view about the product, which will help the company to improve their product and service. The company must have to assure about the services that they offered so the buyers can buy a product without any hesitation. The feedback process will also help the company to improve their scope of marketing in future. Marketing research techniques and analysis: To develop a business first any company have to look care about some criteria depend on upon the business type. Market segmentation, targeting market, advertising, promoting and popularity are some criteria that one company have to look care of to develop the products growth. Now a days energy solution is the main problem (Imms and Ereaut, 2002). So everyone wants something new. The solar system is the key to solving and to introduce a new energy source. But as Australia is already a leading country in solar energy production, so to launch a new product of solar energy any company should provide some new features. The company first need to know the popularity of the thing they are going to launch so they need a market survey, which should on the basis of area and population.For the growth of market, company needs to segment the market in geographic, demographic, psychographicsegmentation. Geographic segmentation will provide data to the company about the area in which it is mostly needed. Demographic segmentation will give an idea about the population and service man and the economic picture of customers. So the company can target the area more. It should target most of the area full of school, office, industry, and over a populated area (Jindal, 2015). The advertisement is the basic and main thing to aware people about the product. But the company also maintain some basic rules to do it. For offline advertisement, it should choose the popular TV channels, well-populated area and most of the locality and they have to look care that people can get a clear image of the product and difference of the products with others. New features should be highlighted. For online advertisement, that is easier to promote,one need to create an attractive ad .The add should contain every detail and new features of the product. New features should be highlighted more. Advertisement page must be well decorated thus a customer can get a clear picture of company and product. Most popular websites, emails, social networking service should be the medium to post ads (Kotler, 2006). One more thing company have to look care of that is the competition presented. Australia is in top ten in this subject. So the competition will be very high and to introduce a new product is very tough. So to launch a new product company must provide some extra features and also price and quality should be maintained. Difference between marketing mix and extended marketing mix: The combination of elements that is used by a business to enable it to perform the needs and wants of the customer is marketing mix.The marketing mix is also known as the 4Ps of marketing. This 4P's are the parameters that have to control by the marketing manager in the marketing environment. The 4P's are product, price, place and promotion. The product terms refer to brand name styling quality as well as services that are warranty including repairs and support. In marketing pricing strategy should be followed (Malhotra, 2010). The company has to take a reasonable and affordable market price for the buyers and discount should be informed if have. Place refer to the distribution that is about getting the products to the customers. In promotion various aspects of marketing communication decisions include. All the information is taken by the marketers of the new product is the main part of the promotion. In recent days three new elements are added to the traditional market mix. After addition, the combined form of marketing is called extended marketing mix this is also known as 7P's the three new additional is people, process and physical. Here peoples are referred to them who may conduct and deliver the product the customer. The process is the system according to which delivery of a product to the customer is done (Otubanjo, 2013). The element physical means the environment of the customer experiences. The main difference between marketing mix and extended marketing mix is The later is more develop marketing function that is closer to the management and the customer and operations. Conclusion: After analysis, all the factors to make opportunity for a new product a company should take care of its market segmentation as per the customer needs and have to deliver the quality product that they offered. As the solar system is innovative as well as independence to the power system so this product can easily create a good place in the market of the high demanding energy state of the world. References Barrows, A. and Blackall, S. (2007).Ivy and Bean break the fossil record. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. Birn, R. and Forsyth, P. (2002).Market research. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub. Chadwick, S. (2014). Market research is dead; Long live market research!.Research World, 2014(49), pp.6-7. Emling, S. (2009).The fossil hunter. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Fillis, I. and Rentschler, R. (2006).Creative marketing. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Foster, J. (2009). For the Good of the Cause and the Protection of the Border: The Service of the Indiana Legion in the Civil War, 18611865.Civil War History, 55(1), pp.31-55. Grner, G. (2016). Market research, market pull.Translational Materials Research, 2(4), p.040101. Imms, M. and Ereaut, G. (2002).An introduction to qualitative market research. London: Sage. Jindal, P. (2015). Risk Preferences and Demand Drivers of Extended Warranties.Marketing Science, 34(1), pp.39-58. Kotler, P. (2006).Marketing. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Education Australia. Malhotra, N. (2010).Review of marketing research. Bingley, UK: Emerald. Otubanjo, O. (2013). The Extended Corporate Identity Mix.IJMS, 5(1).
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